Tattoo Troubles
I got a tattoo of my husbands initials on my collarbone back when we were engaged because I was stupid in love. He’s informed me he wants a divorce. Should I only seek another with the same name or what shopuld I do?
This is why tattoos with someone's name (except for your parents maybe) can't be a wise decision. Cuz partners come and go! Why would a person desecrate their body for a person who may not be there with you fo the long haul? I get it; you're in love, love, can't live without this person, they rock your world, blah blah blah. We've all been there. Then guess what? This person changes for the worse, or you change for the better and the matchup just doesn't work. Either cover it up with makeup, or have it removed (painful!!) and get on with your life. Geez! Seeking "another with the same name" is just downright foolish and a waste of time and energy.