Cash Only Please!


I was invited to a wedding of a close family friend. On the RSVP note it stated "no presents-just cash please". I find it distasteful to blatantly ask for money from all guests in this manner. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but isn't there a better way to do it? Corrine

Hi Corrine, It may seem distasteful to some people to give cash as a gift, however, the bride and groom must be in need as weddings, living expenses etc. can be hard when starting a life together. Or perhaps the couple would rather purchase what they need instead of receiving gifts that is not needed (or wanted). C'mon, how many toasters, blenders, bath sets, sheet sets would you need? Maybe it's better to give cash instead of trying to figure out what the couple would like (and that item might never be used). Just give them money and be happy the couple has made it easy for the guests.